Authors who wish to publish in the Journal of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics (JJSCS) are expected to prepare their manuscripts according to JJSCS "Submission Guidelines" (this document). All manuscripts are refereed.
Manuscripts should be sent to the permanent office of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics:
c/o Statistical Information Institute for Consulting and Analysis
Daiwa Building 2F, 6-3-9 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062, Japan
Phone: +81-3-567-6946, Fax: +81-3-5467-6946
For e-mail submission, the manuscript file should be sent to the Journal-manuscript submission e-mail address:
Non-members of the Japanese Society of Computational Statistics who wish to publish in JJSCS can also submit their papers. When none of the authors of the submitted paper is a member of the society, the following handling and page charges will apply upon the acceptance of the paper:
Handling Charge: 8,000yen, Page Charge: 2,000yen/page.
The author/s will receive the invoice with the proof from JSCS office. The page charge includes 30 free reprints for the paper.
If any of the authors of the submitted paper are society members, these charges do not apply and the accepted paper will be published free of these charges.
Send three complete copies of the manuscript. Instead, authors may prefer to send an electronic form of the manuscript in PostScript, PDF, or Microsoft Word file formats to the e-mail address shown above. Generally, the text of the manuscript should not exceed 25 pages, which does not include tables and figures. A current issue may be used as a general guide to style (after Volume 18, 2005).
The manuscript, including references, should be typed, double-spaced, and on one side of bond paper A4: 21.0 x 29.5 cm (or 8.5 x 11 inch) with at least a 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides. The papers should be numbered at the bottom, and centered. The first time abbreviations are used, they should be in parenthesis proceeded by the words written in full. The manuscripts should consist of the following subdivisions:
Each should be prepared on separate pages. Number the manuscript pages consecutively, beginning with the title page.
Spellings of non-technical terms must follow the current Webster's International Dictionary. When numbers are the first word in a sentence, it should be spelled out; do not use the numeral. The word "Figure" is never abbreviated in the text, except when appearing in parentheses: e.g., (Fig. 2), (Figs. 2-3).
Abstract should completely summarize the paper without repeating sentences from the paper. The abstract should be of 250 words or less. It will precede the introduction of the text. It should be intelligible without reference to the rest of the paper. Mathematical symbols should be avoided. Key words or phrases should be listed after the abstract. There should be no more than 5 key words or phrases, and they should not be terms or phrases in the article title.
The manuscript should be divided by suitably numbered section and subsection (if necessary) headings. Main headings and subheadings are typed in upper- and lower case letters and flush with the left margin (e.g., 1. Introduction, 2. Test of randomness, 2.1. New method, 2.2. Evaluation, and so on). Only when necessary, use a third level of headings typed in upper- and lower case letter, flush with the left margin.
Footnotes to the text are discouraged.
All references included in References at the end of the manuscript should be cited in the text. References should be made only to articles that have been published or in press. Unpublished results and personal communications should be refereed parenthetically in the text and should not be included in the references. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Footnote information should not be included in the references. Careful attention should be given to the format used in recent issues (after Volume 18, 2005).
The references in the text should be ordered by authors' name and publication date. In the list of references, authors should be listed alphabetically by surname name. Journal titles should be complete and not abbreviated.
For text citation, References should be cited by author's surname followed by year of publication according to the following style.
Tables should represent essential material only and be cited in the text. The manuscript should indicate in the margin where the tables are to appear in the text. They should be placed only at the end of the manuscript.
Authors should limit the use of figures to only those adequately represent the findings. All figures should be cited in the text. It is strongly recommended to use a high resolution printer to create original computer drawings or high-quality photographic prints. Figure legends are numbered consecutively as follows: Fig. 1: ..., Fig. 2: ...
Authors who wish to submit a manuscript for the "Data and Software Review Articles" section should prepare their manuscript according to the general submission guidelines of the JJSCS described as above. Reviewed data sets and software must be accessible to society members. Normally, authors submitting articles of their own data sets or software systems are also expected to submit reviewed data sets and the systems for posting to the JSCS web site. Exceptions for reasons of security or confidentiality may be granted by the editor.
Articles reviewing commercially controlled data sets and/or software can be submitted. When such articles are accepted for publication, authors of the articles are required to pay page charge of 15,000 yen per printed page.
When a paper is accepted for publication, the Guidelines for Final Manuscript Submission will be sent to the author. In addition to two hard copies, authors are strongly encouraged to provide a final, revised version of accepted manuscripts on an electronic medium (e.g., a 3.5 inch 1.44MB floppy disk, an MO disk or a CD-R/RW disc) prepared according to the Guidelines for Final Manuscript Submission. The hard copy must match the disk. Authors can use LaTeX, WordPerfect, Word, Ichitaro, or plane text as an electronic file of final manuscript stored on the disks. We accept either Windows or MacOS format. Reprints of these Instructions and Guidelines are available on request to the Editor or the business office.
The editor reserves the right to return to the author for revision any papers including text and illustrations, that is not in proper finished form. A single set of page and illustration proofs will be sent to the author. All corrections should be marked clearly, directly with red on page proofs. Reprints may be purchased at prices quoted on the Reprint Order Form. Reprint Order Form should be returned with the proofs.